
As a social tribe, it is our mission to support each other in any way possible. Through individual contribution we simply make our lives better.


As a social tribe, it is our mission to support each other in any way possible. Through individual contribution we simply make our lives better. Together, we want to evolve a global tribe ecosystem.
So that wherever we go, you can count on the tribe.

On the way, we face things in an ambitious, unedited and social manner.  We are curious, supportive and easy-going.  It´s about giving something of value, rather than receiving. To elevate development in all of us.



Philip Borbély

Turnaround Spezialist mit Leidenschaft. Work hard play hard Mindset. Lass gepflegt oder wild feiern, golfen, Business/Pläne schmieden oder einfach nur aufs Meer schauen.

Turnaround Manager / Managing Director

Julian Kutzim

Insatiable curiosity is my inner drive, communication in its full extent my passion. If used wisely, it has the power to make tremendous transformations happen. That is what I have been and always will be striving for.

arttrade GmbH / Co-Founder / CMO

Hallet Marius

Deep relationships not only help you get ahead, but are also the greatest source of happiness in life. That's why the idea of BeyondBoys resonates with me: it's about supporting each other, growing together and creating moments worth remembering.

CROSSMEDIA GmbH / Director Strategy & Analytics

Walid El Sheikh

Walid El Sheikh ist studierter darstellender Künstler, Gastronom und Unternehmer aus Düsseldorf.

Pure x Event GmbH / Founder

Marius Herminghaus

I like to connect with other people and to expand my network. The dynamic exchange of the individual strengths and experiences bring us to a higher level - beyond the ordinary.

EY-Parthenon / Senior Manager

Kühl Dino

Dipl-Psych mit Vertriebsaffinität, Kind des Ruhrgebiets, Düsseldorfer im Herzen. Fashion Lover. Die schönen Dinge des Lebens sind...wunderbar! Lass‘ reden!

OBI / Vice President Sales Partnering

Schiffer Florian

As founder and managing partner of Companion Consulting, i have made it to my task to accompanie our clients in the successful execution of transformation processes.

Companion Consulting / Founder & Manging Partner

Kia Zolfaghari

I’m a creative media guy, who loves to create “think outside the box”-moments. My passion is to connect people with ideas and turn ideas to reality. Marketing is more than just advertising, its everywhere and inside everyone.


Paolo Oliva

I am passionate about my work and I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best.

EMMIE GRAY GmbH / CEO & Founder

Nic Shanker

I am passionate about those, who are whiling to share their strengths and abilities within the tribe. I believe that finding the connection amongst people is the basis for any successful cooperation.

Starkeepers- Cocktails & Events / CEO

Gueth Michael

I love to be surrounded bei positve and ambitioned people...I am the Network guy...


Ali-Firat Cigdem

Ich bin ein Weltenbummler, ein sehr neugieriger und offener Mensch. Jemand der Welten verbindet. Meine Passion ist das Coaching. Im Business erfolgreich und im Inneren glücklich & erfüllt ist meine Mission.

Guru & Yogi Lifestyle LLC / CEO & Founder

Stefan Zappe

I am curious about peoples live. To learn who they are and what they do makes me happy. Connecting others to build valuable connections gives me freedom.

Lakrids by Johan Bülow GmbH / Global Export Director

Paolo Anania

paolo anania is writing ...

AnaniaVentures / CEO

Zimmermann Lars

41 years, based in Düsseldorf, proud Daddy of 2, working in Sports Marketing/Management as a Consultant, huge Borussia M'gladbach supporter, Love traveling,

Zimmermann Management / CEO

Florian Falk

“Einfach machen!” Ist nicht nur ein Spruch für mich, als ich mit 24 Jahren Just Spices im Keller meiner Mutter gegründet habe. Neben der Musik und Politik, freue mich mich meine Learnings als Gründer, Unternehmer, Speaker und Investor weiterzugeben und mehr Gründergeist in Deutschland zu fördern.

Just Spices GmbH / Founder

Marc Bartsch

Jeder Mensch kann mindestens eine Sache besser als ich. Daher umgebe ich mich mit Menschen, die mich begeistern und höre nie auf zu lernen.

Lekkerland SE / Rewe Group / Director Sales / Prokurist

Mark Bügers

Immer positiv, neugierig und auf der Suche nach Menschen mit ehrgeizigen Zielen und Leidenschaft. Liebe gutes Essen, meine Familie, Finanzen und Unternehmensentwicklung. Wahldüsseldorfer seit 20 Jahren und begeisterter Karnevalist

Rhein Asset Management / Managing Partner

David Bairaktaridis

Hi, I'm David, an activist. Beyond professions, I seek visions and vibrant connections. As an initiative idea developer with conscientiousness, I implement them, inspire the community, and synchronize my strengths.

Joptimal.de / Owner

Martin Miron

Founder, managing director and creative head of TWIST Film production and Duplexmedia Digital agency. I was always into creative thinks like music- and film production and digital production.

TWIST GmbH & Co. KG / CEO / Creative Director

André Paetzel

Brand and Digital guy who love ice and golf. Proud Daddy. A real child of the "Ruhrpott“.

Creative Hive & JANFINITY / Founder

Rafael Stauber

Passionate father of two boys and Headhunter/Entrepreneur with more than 10 years experience in finding the right people cross industry! Foodlover, sports enthusiast and always interested in people and their stories!

Cupeva Placement GmbH / Founder/CEO

Celebi Hakan

I am really looking forward to the development of the BeyondBoys. Thus, I support the tribe in developing and growing business opportunities and the overall benefit program.

Beyond Sales | Coaching & Consulting / Founder

Patrick Nottebaum

Curious about people and their stories, my part is to build their stages. Asking questions, getting to the heart of the matter and communicating accordingly is my daily business within the boys and my company.

Walnut Careers / Founder / CEO

Dyrik Blume

I grew up in a loving and strong family. I proudly carried this experience further - first into friendships later into business (and to my sons): Reliablity is important although honesty hurts sometimes - not only as a lawyer!

Blume & Blume, Rechtsanwälte / Owner

Haugrund Marlo

Long-time sales experience in the automobile sector, large network of business partners in and around Düsseldorf

BMW AG / Verkauf Neue Automobile

Christoph Pietsch

Christoph is a member of the board at DDB Group, a global creative agency. As CMO he is in charge of growth, comms and innovations. He is also the Founder & CEO of "Creative Hive", a 2.000 members strong plattform for creatives.

Publicis Groupe Germany/Creative Hive - The Company GmbH / Chief Growth Officer/CEO & Founder

Sebastian Labud

15+ years multi-facetted digital expertise in different corporate cultures. Senior digital professional with expertise in cross-functional team leadership, entrepreneurship/ e-commerce start-up, omni-channel-retail, new business development.

ZWILLING J.A. Henckels AG / Digital Vorstand CDO

René-Alexander Engel

Hi, ich heiße René bin selbständiger Steuerberater aus Düsseldorf (Born an raised). Seit meiner frühsten jungen, geprägt durch Football, mag ich Herausforderungen und mich in starken Netzwerken zu bewegen. Im Team ist man stark

EKP Engel, Kronenberg & Partner Steuerberater/Rechtsanwälte mbB / Partner - Gesellschafter

Patrik Fuchs

PROUD TO BE A PART OF IT. Networking is gold >> But this tribe create real values. #dontwaitlonger


Jan Wischermann

beauty/hair, fashion & commercial retouch artist // podcast host // passionate networker // future enthusiast

Jan Wischermann Imaging / beauty/hair, fashion & commercial retouch artist

Timo Beck

Euer Mann fürs Kulinarische und Digitale. Er liebt alte Weine, & gutes Essen. Timo startete Mr. Düsseldorf in 2013 und baute es seitdem zum größten Online-Magazin der Stadt aus.

Mr. Düsseldorf / Founder

sebastian garcia

Den Mut aufbringen, neue Herangehensweisen auszuprobieren und Probleme ganz anders zu lösen begeistert mich. Als Gründer und Investor in der Food-, Event-, Reise- & Beautybranche, freue ich mich über regen Austausch mit Euch.

O.C. Hairsystems GmbH / CEO

Axel Steuck

Relaxed fashion and lifestyle executive consultant and apparel production expert with (too) many ideas in mind. Both, fun and ambition are at the forefront in business and private life! Let's connect!

b247d GmbH / managing partner

Our Vision

To evolve a global tribe ecosystem.

So, wherever we go, life is simply better.

Our Mission

As a social tribe, we support each other in any way possible. Through individual contribution, we simply make our lives better.




Good people follow good vibes

It was in June 2018 when Stefan Zappe, a strong individual on his own, became the first member of our social tribe. He didn’t know it back then. He just wanted to have a good time: Music, a couple of drinks, good vibes and inspiring discussions with likeminded folks.

As a newbie in town, he initially gathered a handful of boys he knew. As passionate individuals, they naturally started to exchange experiences, knowledge and support in the most casual way. Without expectations, simply having a good time.

This was the beginning of our tribe. No plan, we just came about. Formed around a deep feeling of connection, a sense of unconditional support for one and another and the joy of spending a smashing time together. Perfect intime like ours, where connections with others are abundant, but real, reliable relations not. That’s why we grow quickly, with each one bringing likeminded pals to the tribe.

We believe – good people follow good vibes.

Follow us. Go beyond.



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